Knife or snake?

  There I was sitting watching Phineas and Ferb with my family laughing at Dr. Doofenshmirtz when husband looks at me and says "You and Dr. D could have a tragic backstory contest"
  It's true. Dr. D and I could kick back with some cherry lemonade, laughing about all the things we've been through over the years. We could find some great laughs through all of it. Much of my life could be described as a tragic backstory. But I am more then my backstory.
 I'm a wife of almost 13 years. I'm a geek. I bake to destress.  And most importantly  I'm the mom of 6 little better then me humans. 3 girls, 3 boys of different ages who prove to me everyday that they will be the reasons that keeps me choosing laughter.
  Let's look at today for example.
Husband: #5 is Mommy cute?
#5: No mommy not cute. You cute daddy.  Mommy big.

Or this fun example.
#4: I cut myself
#4: Under my butt on my leg.
Me:What? How?
#4: I wiggled on the toilet seat. Maybe there's a knife in it
Me: A knife?
#4: Or maybe it was a snake
Now there's a question. Would you rather find a knife or a snake in the toilet?



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