Salted chocolate

    I questioned my sanity of starting this during while what can only be described as a plague is happening. How could I possibly start this up and not have it just be about life during plague times?
   Then I looked in my living room at six kids ranging from a 4 1/2 month old to an almost 12 year old and realized I had no sanity left to question.
   No joke this is hard. It is hard staying upbeat and honest with my kiddos at the same time. It's hard suddenly trying to do homeschool when I had less then 24 hours to put a plan together for 3 different grades. It's hard answering my kids questions of when they are going to see their teachers again. This is hard.
  At the same time it's sweet. Today "at school" I saw my kids helping each other out with a math problem or how to spell a word. I saw #3 change #6's diaper without my even knowing it was dirty. I've seen #2 snuggled with #5 reading her favorite book over and over again.
  This point of our lives is like salted chocolate. That salt is making the sweet that much sweeter. I've never turned down chocolate before so there's no reason to start now. I'm not a quitter.


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